Sketches 1: 3 Batman Concepts

A post on my sketches for the next three concepts that include the Batman Logo:
  • Corporate
 Thinking of a way to make Batman into something corporate was a bit of a struggle in the beginning. I tried looking into what i first thought with the word corporate, what immediately came to mind was business type people with a city life. Then came the business card idea with a cut out of the Batman symbol. No writing other than the letters B and M. I really liked the idea of a cut out on a business card, so if I were in an office at night I could use a lamp and the card to make the bat signal appear on my cubicle wall. ^_^
  • Environmentalist
Environmentalist Batman was the second hardest to think of, only now while I type this that Poison Ivy didn't come to my mind for any inspiration.  Oh well. I first thought of the earth and roundish things. The earth of course with the sphere shape, I went with making a batman shaped continent with lakes/rivers to create the B and M in the middle. I also set it more to the right to show a sense of depth with a spherical item and to create some interest. Another idea was to creat a dew drop feel with the glimmer/shine to create the B and M with some extra dew drops to decorate around the symbol. The third idea was to create a tree with windows to make the letters pop out with a dark weeping willow type tree.

  • Southwest
This concept was fairly easy with so much influence around us in our current location. I tried to stay way from chili sense that was one of the first thoughts when southwest popped in my head. I then went to what most people would see on television screens when a western type show would come on. I imagined a Bat Cowboy with his tattered trench coat and signature ears jutting out from his worn and sun bleached hat. So I took that and gave the 60's Batman Logo a cool and rough feel with the trench coat and hat. Then if not rounding up some varmints, he could wrangle up some cattle with his lasso.  To create the letters I thought of the scorch marks left when using a branding iron but placed on wood. The next best thing i could muster was a concho like buckle since Batman would have so many gadgets and his signature Bat Belt. Makes me daydream as to how a Batman would look like in a western town.

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